
Our events Calendar

This hybrid three-day workshop is to familiarize Caribbean CBD Parties with the operational aspects of…
Exhibition at the Governor General’s Reception, Kings House. July 27, 2023

The exhibition entitled “Journey Through Our Natural Heritage” was curated by the Natural History Museum of Jamaica (NHMJ), in collaboration with external partners, the Forestry Department, Public Gardens Division and Mines and Geology Division. This exhibition sought to highlight some of our island’s natural treasures including species that are found nowhere else in the world, our geological richness and traditional knowledge wealth. We also highlighted the contributions of several individuals who used their amazing talents to depict Jamaica’s unique biodiversity

Training workshop Jamaica Invasive Species Database. December 12-13, 2023

The Natural History Museum of Jamaica through the Jamaica Clearing-House Mechanism successfully held a two-day Data Entry Workshop for the Jamaica Invasive Species Database (JISD) on Dec 12 &13, 2023. The national Workshop was held at the Land Information Council of Jamaica’s GeoInformatic Training Centre in Kingston. New records were created for twelve invasive alien species that are on the national list of invasive alien species.


OCTOBER 17, 2018